Transaction has been crossed-out: this usually means the transaction has been cancelled by the retailer.
Incorrect charge: check your receipt for any incorrectly processed items.
Missing a refund: these can take up to 28 days
For any of the above issues you'll need to contact the retailer directly to resolve the issue, we're unable to support with any order queries.
Declined transaction: this could be due to your credit limit. Please check your limit and if you can't see any issue, please refresh the app and try again. You can contact us if you continue to receive the decline and we'll check your account.
If there is a transaction showing on your app that you don’t recognise you should let us know. We can look into the details of the order for you, if this doesn’t help, we can block your account and investigate further.
If you have any issues with the item you've purchased please contact the retailer directly.
Can't select the transaction?
If you're a Direct Debit customer and we're ready for your payment, you won't be able to replan until your bill is paid (or your payment fails if you don't have enough funds to cover the bill). Your bill is ready for payment on or around the 1st of the month, depending on weekends and bank holidays. You can check this date any time in the app on the first page. If you're not a Direct Debit customer, drop us a message at with a screenshot and we'll take a look!