Sometimes, there may have been an issue in setting up your Direct Debit mandate. If there were enough funds in the account at the time, check if your bank has the Direct Debit listed. If they don't, you will need to try and set this up again.
If your Direct Debit has been confirmed by your bank, it has likely failed due to a lack of funds in the account. We're always here on-hand to talk through any money worries you may have.
If your Direct Debit appears to be set-up and working after checking your bank and your Frasers Plus app, check the date your Direct Debit mandate was confirmed. If it was less than 5 days before the payment due date, your mandate was set-up too late for the current month.
If none of the above apply then you'll need to contact our team directly and we'll review your mandate details. Submit a request and we'll be right on it!