What do I do if I’m happy to switch?
Nothing. If you’re happy to switch to Frasers Plus then you don’t need to do anything. You can also use your Studio Pay account as normal until we switch you over. We'll be in touch again before we switch you to Frasers Plus with more information about how your Frasers Plus account will work.
Please be aware that we reserve the right to postpone or cancel your switch if your circumstances change.
Switching to Frasers Plus is easy
You won’t need to apply for Frasers Plus and we won’t be carrying out any credit checks that will impact your credit file.
Your Studio Pay account balance will be automatically transferred onto your existing Frasers Plus account. You have a credit limit amount already allocated to your Frasers Plus account. We may increase this, subject to affordability, by an amount up to the total value of your existing Studio Pay credit limit. We will let you know your new credit limit once it has been increased. If you don't want your Frasers Plus credit limit to increase, you will need to opt out of the switch.
If you have a Studio Pay balance, we’ll transfer your balance onto an instalment plan that offers you the maximum flexibility to repay. You’ll have the option to replan your balance to reduce the interest by logging into your Frasers Plus account. To pay no interest on your transferred balance you can select a 1 or a 3 month instalment plan.
Until the switch takes place you would need to make payments as and when they are due, you can also continue using your Studio Pay account as normal.
Don’t worry if you need time to decide. We’ve sent you an email with the date you need to opt out by.
Do I need to download the Frasers Plus app now?
No, you don’t need to download the app before we have confirmed that your Frasers Plus account is ready.
What if I already have a Frasers Plus account?
If you already have a Frasers Plus account this will remain open and we’ll use this account when we switch you. See our ‘I already have a Frasers Plus account, what do I do?’ FAQ here for more information.
What happens to my Studio Pay direct debit?
Your direct debit mandate will be transferred to Frasers Plus and payment requests for the monthly instalments due made to your bank account as normal.
What happens to my warranty cover?
Your warranty cover will remain in place. As you would now, if you need to cancel the cover or make a claim, you’ll need to contact Castelan (https:s//claim.castelangroup.com and 0370 320 3333).
What if I don't want to switch?
If you don’t want to switch to Frasers Plus that’s completely up to you. You have the option to opt-out, click here to see FAQs for opting out of the switch. We’ll send you an email with the date you need to opt out by.
For any further queries
If you have any further queries, contact us about the switch at switch@studio.co.uk.