What do I do if I want to opt out of switching to Frasers Plus?
You can opt out of switching to Frasers Plus by using the link supplied in the email you’ve received. The expiry date for opting out will be confirmed via email. If you decide to opt out you’ll need to continue making at least your minimum contractual monthly payment as normal.
What will happen to my Studio Pay account?
If you decide to opt out, you won’t be able to place any further orders using Studio Pay. We’ll be in touch with information regarding when your account will be closed.
Between the time you opt out and your account being closed, you’ll still need to make payments to your Studio Pay account each month as normal.
What will happen to my Studio Pay account balance?
If you have a Studio Pay account balance this will be automatically transferred to your Frasers Plus account. Your balance will be transferred onto an instalment plan, so you know exactly what you’ll need to pay each month.
If you have an outstanding balance, then you’ll be required to continue to make your monthly repayments to clear this balance and we may sell on your balance to a third-party
When will my Studio Pay account close?
We’ll be in touch with information regarding when your account will be closed.
What happens to my Studio Pay direct debit?
Whilst your Studio Pay account is open, we’ll continue to request your direct debit payments as we do now. Once your account has been closed, we’ll no longer request payments via your direct debit.
For any further queries
If you have any further queries, contact us about the switch at switch@studio.co.uk.